Kaniwa, grows to the north of Titicaca lake, in the region of Puno, Peru. This wonderful grain faces freeze, droughts, and low temperatures successfully. In this place, the vibrant people from Puno feed their deep artistic sense and dedication to the earth with Kaniwa, since it is the core of their human virtues and joy of their people. They are capable of dancing several days without being defeated by laziness and cold. They enjoy their big celebrations challenging cold temperatures. Kaniwa (
Chenopodium pallidicaule) is a pseudo-cereal from the Andean of Peru. Besides, it is known to be a superfood for its benefits. Kaniwa is a natural energizing with a high percentage of fiber. Also, it has essentials proteins, vitamins (E and B), and minerals like iron. It might contribute to better functioning of memory and it is ideal for diabetics.
Toasted kaniwa flour
- Mix 2–3 tbsp of kaniwa flour with oatmeal, puddings, or jelly.
Keep in a cool and dry place.
Eat it once opened.
- Eco-Friendly Packaging